Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (2024)

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe

Pork belly might be the world’s most popular and beloved food. It’s considered a delicacy in dozens of countries throughout Asia, Europe and South America.

And we love our pork belly here in the States too… as proven by the menus of tapas bars and bistros across the country. As a testament to its popularity, the USDA reports that in 2017 national inventories of frozen pork belly hit their lowest levels in 50 years.

Today, we talk about why pork belly is so widely loved… how it can be a very healthy addition to your diet… and the quickest, most delicious pork belly recipe you’ll ever enjoy…

Pork Belly: The Ultimate Meat Treat

Pork belly is essentially “better bacon”.

It has more meat, more healthy fat and greater culinary complexity. One delicious bite of pork belly can be delightfully crisp, and yet succulently tender. It’s packed with the savory flavor of meat and satisfies our carnal urge for fat.

In a culinary article on the wonders of pork belly, writer Chris Thompson put it about as well as it can be said:

“Finished pork belly will present many of the enjoyable characteristics of bacon, along with welcome textural complexity and an ecstatic diversity of flavor, bite to bite and even chew to chew, that will make your tongue stand up in your mouth and shout about being King of the World.”

Pork belly is so delicious, you probably feel guilty eating it. You might think to yourself, “This is so good, it has to be bad for me!” The truth is that this porcine delicacy can be a very healthy part of your diet (as long as you choose the right kind of pork and prepare it in a healthy way)!

Is Pork Belly Healthy to Consume?

As you probably know, conventional pork is not the way to go. These animals are raised in inhumane conditions. They are fed a diet (and pumped full of hormones) designed to fatten them as quickly as possible. They are also routinely administered antibiotics to fight off illness and infections which arise from their squalid conditions.

Pastured pork, on the other hand, comes from animals that are fed a natural diet and allowed to roam and root. This kind of farming is better for the environment. It is better for the animals. And the meat that is produced is better for you too!

Research shows that meat from pastured pigs pack far more nutrients than those raised in confinement operations. Compared to conventional, pastured pork boasts 300% more vitamin E and 74% more selenium – two powerful, anti-aging and anti-cancer nutrients. (ref)

Pastured pork is also a rich source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12… as well as a good source of various trace minerals.

But what about the fat?

Good news to report there too, because…

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The Fat in Pork Belly is Healthy

About 50 percent of the fat in pork belly is monounsaturated. These are the same heart-healthy fatty acids associated with the benefits of the “Mediterranean Diet” and for which avocado and olive oils are praised. These fats are known to help reduce belly fat, boost your good cholesterol and guard against cancer.

Another 40 percent of the fat in pork belly is saturated. This is another healthy fat to consume, despite outdated nutritional dogma to the contrary.

The remaining 10 percent of fat is polyunsaturated. These fatty acids include omega-6s and omega-3s. While omega-6s are essential in the diet, most people consume too much of these fats. In excess, they’re associated with oxidation and inflammation. But the ratio of ratio of omega-6 to omega-3s depends greatly on what feed the animals consume. Pigs fed a natural diet have much lower levels of omega6 and higher levels of omega-3s. (ref)

In fact, due their basic biology, pastured pigs can be a great source of the omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) that are known to help prevent heart disease and boost your brain power. Dr. Loren Cordain, one of the earliest adopters of the Paleo diet, writes:(ref)

“Because pigs are mono-gastric animals (single stomach), they have the ability to convert vegetable and plant 18 carbon fatty acids (ALA) to the 20 and 22 carbon fatty acids (EPA and DHA) which reduce inflammation, reduce cardiovascular disease and promote good health. Free-ranging pork contains higher concentrations of these beneficial fatty acids than their feed lot produced counterparts.”

So, let’s get cookin’…

A Simple and Versatile Pork Belly Recipe (That Will Become a Mainstay in Your Kitchen!)

Pork belly can be surprisingly difficult to cook. If you don’t cook it long enough, it can be very tough. On the other hand, if you cook it too long (or in an environment that’s too dry) it can become dried out and as tough as shoe leather.

This is especially true if you choose a cut with the “skin on”. It is much easier to prepare (and to eat) with the skin removed. And easier still, if the butcher does it for you – so look for a cut without the skin.

Today, using the amazing Instant Pot, we’ll show you how to prepare pork belly faster than any other method. It will be fall apart tender… and yet crispy in all the right places!

A typical pork belly recipeis often associated with Asian flavors, because of the popularity of the dish in that region. South Koreans apparently enjoy pork belly in over half of their meals on average! (ref)

Here at Healing Gourmet, we wanted to tackle this decadent cut with simple flavors so you could enjoy it in a number of different ways.

In today’s recipe, we use manzanilla sherry to add a layer of depth beyond the delicious and savory meat. Smoked paprika rounds out the zesty wine for a complete, yet simple, flavor profile. If sherry is hard to come by, dry white wine or even apple cider vinegar will do the trick!

And of course, pork belly is a fine complement to other meals, so be sure to keep some on hand for taco night… Paleo sandwiches… and a decadent breakfast of runny eggs and Keto Drop Biscuits for Sunday morning.

If you’re aiming for something more traditional, you can easily change the seasonings. Instead of paprika, try a rub of ground thyme, sage and rosemary for a classic French approach.

Or if you wanted to pay homage to the region where it’s most popular, rub the pork belly with ground ginger or a Chinese Five-Spice blend and add some fresh sliced ginger to the broth before cooking. We like to garnish this style with sesame seeds and sliced scallions.

For purists: High quality sea salt and pepper let the indescribably delicious texture and flavor of pork belly shine through.

The glory of pork belly is how flexible it can be, so get creative with your favorite toppings and experiment to create your own signature pork belly recipe!

The Perfect Pork Belly Recipe (in 75% Less Time!)

In a traditional pork belly recipe,the meatcan take over six hours to roast. And it needs regular tending during that time.

If you don’t have half a half a day to spare in the kitchen, you’ll love what you can do with the Instant Pot. This magical device cuts cooking time down to just under an hour and a half. And that’s hands-free time, so you can tend to other things.

The pork belly recipe below calls for just five minutes of prep. The Instant Pot does the rest.

Once it’s done “roasting,” we like to give it a crispy oven sear with decadent (and healthy!) duck fat… and voila!

Crispy, juicy, rich pork belly bites are ready and waiting! So, what are you waiting for?

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Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe: The Simple Step By Step

First, gather your ingredients. You’ll need a one pound pasture-raised skinless pork belly, a teaspoon of sea salt, a teaspoon each of smoked paprika and thyme, four cloves of garlic (sliced or chopped), half a cup of broth and one-quarter cup sherry (or white wine), a little duck fat (tallow, lard or coconut oil are great too).

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (1)

Rub the fatty side of the pork belly with the salt-spice mixture…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (2)

Pour the broth and the sherry into the Instant Pot…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (3)

Now place the pork belly in the instant pot, spice side up.

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (4)

Close and lock the lid. Set the pressure to HIGH and the time to 80 minutes…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (5)

A few minutes before the time is up, preheat your oven to 400 F. Place a couple tablespoons of duck fat in a cast iron pan. Transfer the pan to the oven to get nice and hot…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (6)

Use two spatulas to lift the pork belly out of the Instant Pot. It will be very tender and may fall apart if you use tongs. Remove any large bits of garlic or spice and place the pork belly fat side down in the preheated cast iron pan…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (7)

If your pork belly has curled, top it with another cast iron pan to weigh it down. Then pop into the preheated oven for 20 minutes, or to your desired crispness. Remove from oven. It will look like this…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (8)

Allow to cool slightly, then gently transfer to a cutting board.

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (9)

Using a sharp chef’s knife, cut into cubes…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (10)

Sprinkle with a little more sea salt (we used Maldon for a wonderful textural contrast to the soft pork belly)…

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (11)

And get ready to delight in these little bites of heaven!

Prep Time

10 mins

Cook Time

1 h 40 mins

Total Time

1 h 50 mins




Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (12)

4.8 from 9 reviews

  • 1 lb. pastured pork belly
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp. thyme
  • 4 cloves of garlic (sliced or chopped)
  • 1/2 cup of broth
  • 1/4 cup sherry (or white wine)
  • 2 Tbsp. duck fat (or tallow, lard or coconut oil)
  1. Rub the fatty side of the pork belly with the salt-spice mixture.
  2. Pour the broth and the sherry into the Instant Pot.
  3. Now place the pork belly in the instant pot, spice side up.
  4. Close and lock the lid. Set the pressure to HIGH and the time to 80 minutes.
  5. A few minutes before the time is up, preheat your oven to 400 F. Place a couple tablespoons of duck fat in a cast iron pan. Transfer the pan to the oven to get nice and hot.
  6. When the time is up, use two spatulas to lift the cooked pork belly out of the Instant Pot. It will be very tender and may fall apart if you use tongs. Remove any large bits of garlic or spice and place the pork belly fat side down in the preheated cast iron pan.
  7. If your pork belly has curled, top it with another cast iron pan to weigh it down. Then pop into the preheated oven for 20 minutes, or to your desired crispness.
  8. Allow to cool slightly, then gently transfer to a cutting board.
  9. Using a sharp chef’s knife, cut into cubes.
  10. Sprinkle with a little more sea salt (Maldon is preferred).
Nutrition & Macronutrient Ratio

340 calories, 33 g fat, 12 g saturated fat, 15 g monounsaturated fat, 4 g polyunsaturated fat, 44 mg cholesterol, 2 g carbohydrate, 2 g NET carbs, 0 g sugar alcohols, 0 g sugar, 0 g fiber, 6 g protein, 141 mg potassium, 69 mg phosphorous, 314 mg sodium, 4 mg magnesium


Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (13)

And please don’t forget to Pin this! 🙂

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (14)

Instant Pot Pork Belly Recipe (75% Faster than Traditional!) (2024)


Is it better to cook pork belly fast or slow? ›

Pork belly contains a fair amount of fat in between the layers of flesh. As the slowly pork cooks the fat renders out, leaving succulent, flavourful meat. The final blast of heat just ensures that the crackling is suitably crisp.

Why does pork belly take so long to cook? ›

This is a tough muscle, so it needs a longer cooking time at low heat to breakdown the tough tissue." So, to serve up good roast pork, budget for at least 3-4 hours in the kitchen. If done correctly, a piece of roast pork should be so tender you can pierce its flesh with a fork.

How long does pork belly take to cook in the pan? ›

Place the slices of pork belly in the hot pan and let them cook. Turn the meat often until both sides of each slice are golden-brown and crispy. The exact amount of time can vary depending on how crowded the pan is, but 4 to 5 minutes per side will usually be enough time.

What temperature do you cook pork belly at? ›

Roast in a slow oven for 2 1/2 hours at 140°C/285°F so the flesh becomes tender; Level the pork so the skin is level (ie. as horizontal as possible) by propping up the belly with balls of foil beneath. This makes the crackling cook evenly = perfect crackling.

Is it better to slow cook or pressure cook pork? ›

Slow cooking the meat means it never has the chance to toughen up and will be extra silky and tender. Pressure cooking is faster, though you may lose a little bit of the tenderness. If you're going for the pressure cook method, be sure to get a pork shoulder or pork butt, as opposed to a pork loin.

Why won t my pork belly get crispy? ›

The skin wasn't dry enough. Make sure to pat the pork completely dry before rubbing in the salt and oil as excess moisture will stop it from crisping up. It's important to score the skin if you want it really crisp. You'll need a sharp knife for this, or ask your butcher to do it for you.

Why do you pour boiling water on pork belly? ›

boiling water trick

This helps to prep the skin to crackle as its now "pre-cooked" so to speak. Make sure to pat dry with paper towel to further dry afterwards.

How do you speed up cooking pork? ›

If you don't want to spend 16 hours cooking your pork, turn the heat up a little bit. A smoker at 300°F (149°C) will get the job done faster with no appreciable change in quality when compared to a lower, slower 225°F (107°C).

How long does it take for pork belly to get soft? ›

Roast pork belly for 30 minutes on the middle rack in a heavy, oven-safe pan or skillet, skin side up / fat side up. Reduce heat to 275°F and roast for an hour or more, until tender but not mushy. (Larger pieces of pork belly will take longer. Our one-pound belly was done after an hour at 275°F.)

Do you cook pork belly fat side up or down? ›

Remove the meat from the heat once it reaches 190-195°F to prevent overcooking, plus don't add too many wood chips and overdo the amount of smoke. Do you cook pork belly fat side up or down? Fat side up! This way, the drippings will coat the meat as the fat renders and protect the surface from drying out.

Do you rinse pork belly before cooking? ›

Washing beef, pork, lamb, or veal before cooking it is not recommended. Bacteria in raw meat and poultry juices can be spread to other foods, utensils, and surfaces. We call this cross-contamination. Some consumers think they are removing bacteria and making their meat or poultry safe.

How do you know when pork belly is done cooking? ›

One way to determine your porks' doneness is by the color of the juices that come out of it when you poke a hole in it with a knife or fork. If the juices run clear or are very faintly pink, the pork is done cooking. If they're mostly or entirely pink or red, it's best to continue cooking.

What temp is pork the most tender? ›

Cook pork, roasts, and chops to 145 ºF as measured with a food thermometer before removing meat from the heat source, with a three-minute rest time before carving or consuming. This will result in a product that is both safe and at its best quality—juicy and tender.

Should pork belly be at room temperature before cooking? ›

Remember to remove your flat pork belly joint out of the packaging, pat dry and bring to room temperature. Pre heat your oven to 200°C temperature fan assisted or 215°C without a fan.

Is pork belly healthy? ›

Pork belly ranks high in collagen content, a protein crucial for maintaining healthy skin, joints, and connective tissues. Including collagen-rich foods like pork belly in your diet can contribute to the overall health and elasticity of your skin, and may even have anti-aging benefits.

Is it better to cook pork fast or slow? ›

Low and Slow Pork Butt. Cooking low and slow has many benefits, including easy fat removal. The fat rendered so much that it literally fell off the meat!

Does pork get more tender the longer you slow cook it? ›

At around 2 hours, your pork chops will be cooked through (145°F) and have a texture similar to chicken breast — tender, but firm. Between 3 to 6 hours, the chops will have a texture closer to pulled pork; it will be easy to cut with a fork and will pull easily from the bone.

Why is my pork belly still tough? ›

Too often, people overcook pork belly, resulting to an overly tough or dry end-result. It's essential to remember that low and slow is the key when cooking pork belly.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.