Vesper Martini co*cktail Recipe | The James Bond Drink (2024)

in Recipe, Drinks, Gin, Lillet Blanc, Vodka

byPaul Kushner1 Comment

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The Vesper Martini, a co*cktail that stands out in the crowd. As a bartender, I’ve mixed my fair share of drinks, but the Vesper Martini holds a special place. It’s not just a drink; it’s an experience. Made famous by James Bond, this co*cktail blends gin, vodka, and Lillet Blanc, creating a smooth, intriguing flavor. Perfect for any occasion, let me show you why it deserves a spot in your co*cktail repertoire.

Tasting Notes

The Vesper Martini is a symphony of flavors. You’ll first notice the crisp, complex juniper taste of gin, followed by the smooth, slightly sweet touch of vodka. Lillet Blanc adds a subtle fruity, floral hint, rounding out the drink with a refreshing bitterness. It’s strong yet balanced, with a long, satisfying finish that leaves you wanting more.

Equipment and Glassware

You don’t need much to make a Vesper Martini—just a mixing glass, a bar spoon, and a strainer. For serving, this co*cktail demands the elegance of a chilled martini glass. The clear, sleek design showcases the drink’s clarity and sophistication.


  • 3 oz Gin
  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 0.5 oz Lillet Blanc or Cocchi Americano
  • Lemon peel for garnish

These quantities can be adjusted based on your taste preference, but this is the classic recipe that celebrates the Vesper Martini’s unique character.


  1. Fill a co*cktail shaker with ice.
  2. Pour in the gin, vodka, and Lillet Blanc.
  3. Shaken not Stirred
  4. Strain into a chilled martini glass.
  5. Garnish with a thin slice of lemon peel, twisting it over the drink to release its oils.

Pro Tips

  • Always use high-quality spirits to ensure the best taste.
  • Chill your glass beforehand for an extra-crisp sip.
  • When shaking, aim for about 30 seconds to properly chill and dilute the drink without making it too watery.
See also 10 Must-Try Lillet Blanc co*cktails
Vesper Martini co*cktail Recipe | The James Bond Drink (2)

When to Serve

The Vesper Martini is versatile. Serve it as a sophisticated start to your evening, a celebratory drink, or a way to impress at any gathering. It’s perfect for moments when you want something special and memorable.

Which Liquor Brands to Choose

For gin, consider brands like Tanqueray or Bombay Sapphire for their distinctive flavors. For vodka, a smooth choice like Grey Goose or Belvedere enhances the co*cktail’s character. Lillet Blanc is non-negotiable for that authentic Vesper Martini taste.

Similar co*cktails

  1. Dirty Martini – The olive juice variation of the classic.
  2. Dry Martini – A martini with less vermouth.
  3. Negroni – Gin, vermouth, and Campari for a bittersweet taste.
  4. French Martini – Vodka, Chambord, and pineapple juice for a fruity twist.
  5. Gin and Tonic – A simpler, refreshing gin-based drink.


The Vesper Martini was born in the pages of Ian Fleming’s “Casino Royale,” ordered by James Bond himself. Its name comes from the character Vesper Lynd, making this co*cktail as intriguing as its namesake. Over the years, it has evolved but remains a timeless choice for those in the know.


Can I use any gin or vodka?

Yes, but higher quality brands will improve the drink.

Can I substitute Lillet Blanc?

For an authentic taste, stick with Lillet Blanc or Cocchi Americano. It’s what gives the Vesper its unique flavor profile.

Vesper Martini co*cktail Recipe | The James Bond Drink (3)


Yield: 1

Prep Time: 3 minutes

Total Time: 3 minutes

Making a Vesper is a simple process that requires only a few ingredients and some basic bar tools.

Here is a step-by-step guide to making a perfect Vesper co*cktail:

See also Suffering Bastard


  • 2 ounces of gin
  • 1 ounce of vodka
  • 1/2 ounce of Lillet Blanc
  • Lemon


  1. Chill your martini glass in the freezer for about 30 minutes to an hour before serving. This will help keep your co*cktail cold and refreshing.
  2. In a co*cktail shaker filled with ice, add 2 ounces of gin, 1 ounce of vodka, and 1/2 ounce of Lillet Blanc. Shake vigorously for 20-30 seconds, until ice cold.
  3. Strain the co*cktail into your chilled martini glass.
  4. Express the oils from a lemon twist over the drink, rub the twist along the rim of the glass, and drop it into the co*cktail.

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  1. I typically make the full-sized version (1 measure = 1 ounce; so 3 measures gin is 3 ounces, etc.); sometimes I pour half into each of two co*cktail glasses, but I’ve also been known to follow Bond’s practice of making for myself one drink that is large and very strong…
    I also cut the Lillet Blanc in half (to 1/4 measure), and make up the other half with 1/4 measure Cocchi Americano. I’m told this more closely approximates the flavor of the original Kina Lillet, but I’ve never tasted the original. Regardless of how faithful that is to the original, it tastes better than using Lillet Blanc alone.
    If using gin and vodka close to 100 proof (as I do), shaking is preferable to stirring because you need a little more of the ice to end up in the drink to dilute the high-proof spirits.
    But yeah, this is a really good drink when it’s made correctly.


ginlillet blancMartiniVodka

Written by Paul Kushner

Founder and CEO of MyBartender. Graduated from Penn State University. He always had a deep interest in the restaurant and bar industry. His restaurant experience began in 1997 at the age of 14 as a bus boy. By the time he turned 17 he was serving tables, and by 19 he was bartending/bar managing 6-7 nights a week.

In 2012, after a decade and a half of learning all facets of the industry, Paul opened his first restaurant/bar. In 2015, a second location followed, the latter being featured on The Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

Follow them on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Google Guide and MuckRack.

Vesper Martini co*cktail Recipe | The James Bond Drink (2024)


How does James Bond order the Vesper Martini? ›

Bond's order as written in the book: “Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until ice-cold, then add a large slice of lemon-peel. Got it?”

What did James Bond say when he ordered a martini? ›

It was decided that the line "shaken not stirred" sounded much better, however, and so was adopted for the film - thus creating a character with a good collection of sound bytes, but a slightly odd taste in drinks.

What is the best gin for a Vesper Martini? ›

While Gordon's is a good everyday gin, there are now plenty of better options to choose from. Nearly any top-shelf gin with a bold botanical profile will make a nice Vesper. Many people prefer Tanqueray or Beefeater, though some like the fruitier Plymouth Gin.

Why was Kina Lillet discontinued? ›

In 1986, in an attempt to keep the brand relevant with changing tastes, the amount of quinine in Lillet was dramatically reduced and 'Kina' (a French word for quinine) dropped from the brand name to be replaced simply with 'Blanc'.

What order does Vesper drink? ›

The recipe for Bond's "Vesper" martini, as described in the 2006 movie: 'Three measures of Gordon's; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.

Why does James Bond drink his martini shaken not stirred? ›

With its clear colour and lack of a strong odor, the vodka martini allows Bond to keep a low profile while still enjoying a stiff drink. Q: Why does Bond prefer his martinis "shaken, not stirred"? A: Shaking aerates the drink, making it colder and slightly more dilute than stirring achieves.

What is the two martini rule? ›

Once you have consumed two, you must move on to a soft drink, such as wine or a gin and tonic. The reasons for this are obvious and I try to adhere to this rule at home. The rule is defended most enduringly (and elegantly) at Duke's Bar in Central London, where years of experience … Continue reading.

How many times does James Bond order a martini? ›

Although there is a lot of discussion on the Vesper, it is only ordered once throughout Fleming's novels and by later books Bond is ordering regular vodka martinis, though he also drinks regular gin martinis. In total, Bond orders 19 vodka martinis and 16 gin martinis throughout Fleming's novels and short stories.

Which vodka is used in Vesper Martini? ›

25 mlGREY GOOSE® Vodka
50 mlBombay Sapphire Gin
15 mlMARTINI® Riserva Speciale Ambrato
+Lemon Twist

What pairs with a Vesper Martini? ›

9 Best Vodka and Gin Pairings For Your Vesper
  • Gin:Gordon's Gin (preferably the 94.6-proof exported version) Vodka:Stolichnaya. ...
  • Gin:New York Distilling Co. Dorothy Parker Gin. ...
  • Gin: Bombay London Dry Gin. ...
  • Gin: Ransom Old Tom Oregon Gin. ...
  • Gin: Old Raj Gin. ...
  • Gin:Nolet's Silver Dry Gin. ...
  • Gin:Hendrick's Gin. ...
  • Gin:Plymouth Gin.
Nov 30, 2016

Can I use vermouth instead of Lillet? ›

Yes, you can substitute dry vermouth for Lillet as a flavorful aperitif or in co*cktails. Vermouth contains less sugar so you might want to add some sugar syrup when using it.

Can you still buy Kina Lillet? ›

Ian Fleming's classic Bondian co*cktail, the Vesper, hinges on one, now extinct ingredient: Kina Lillet. Created at the end of the 19th century in France, Kina Lillet was one of the first spirits in the class of quinquinas, wine-based spirits flavored with bitter quinine extracted from cinchona bark.

What is James Bond's favorite drink? ›

In Bond's own words, it's, 'three measures of Gordon's [gin], one [part] of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shaken very well until it's ice-cold.” These days, you would replace Kina Lillet with Lillet Blanc.

What is a substitute for Vesper Lillet? ›

The Vesper is a co*cktail that was originally made of gin, vodka, and Kina Lillet. Since that form of Lillet is no longer produced, modern bartenders need to modify the recipe to mimic the original taste, with Lillet Blanc or Cocchi Americano as a typical substitute.

How does Bond order his martini? ›

"Shaken, not stirred" is how Ian Fleming's fictional British Secret Service agent James Bond prefers his martini co*cktail.

What is different about a Vesper Martini? ›

The Vesper Martini is something of a hybrid between the Vodka Martini and the Gin Martini, incorporating both vodka and gin. A splash of fruity, aromatic Lillet blanc—a French apéritif—takes the traditional place of vermouth.

What is the difference between vermouth and Lillet Blanc? ›

Though Lillet often appears on bar shelves next to the vermouths, it technically isn't one, due to its lack of wormwood (it gets its light bitterness from quinine). It is a French fortified wine often drunk as an aperitif and comes in a range of flavors, including Blanc (dry), Rouge (sweet) and Rosé.

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